Free Webinar with Jeremy Ross – How To treat Allergys with ICM
The new Basic Training for Western Herbal Medicine
Basic Learning Program ONLINE [in English]
How to Learn and Practice Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross
State of the art of Western Herbal Medicine
Jeremy’s aim for his students is to be able to treat their own patients quickly, effectively, and safely immediately after the first webinar, and find a herb combination in 30 seconds.
This ‘steep’ learning curve is achieved through two aspects of the Basic Learning Program ONLINE:
- As soon as they register, the students are given access to a preparatory online course: in this course, Jeremy provides basic knowledge about Phytotherapy. He can then concentrate fully on the practice of Phytotherapy in the subsequent webinar. Webinars 2 and 3 are also prepared by online courses.
- Throughout the Basic Learning Program ONLINE (3 webinars within approximately 4 months), the students receive free access to the ICM Master App (see This software is based on Jeremy’s wealth of knowledge and experience in over 50 years of treating patients with Phytotherapy, and it replicates his procedures on patients: The symptom-based use of 300 preset herbal combinations and their recommended and individual modifications as well as the individual composition of new herbal recipes by comparing proven combinations.
The new Software
ICM-Master App
Database Software & Online Course
for Western Herbal Medicine, and
Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Diagnosis by Jeremy Ross
The aim of our software is to enable us to quickly and safely make effective herbal prescriptions for our patients – based on a patient’s symptoms and/or on the basis of a Chinese syndrome diagnosis.
How you combine Western herbs and Chinese syndrome diagnosis
First of all, ICM Master is a browser based software and database system for Herbal Medicine (= Phytotherapy) to find and individually modify pre-set prescriptions, and combine single herbs to an individual prescriptions – quickly and safely.
How you learn research based Phythotherapy in an online course
But, ICM Master is also a Online Course for Herbal Medicine: The students learn the general principles as well as the finding, analyzing, modifying and prescribing of effective herbal prescriptions.
Software for Western Herbal Medicine
Database Software & Online Course
for Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross
How you find effective research based herbal prescriptions
First of all, The HERBALIST is a browser based software and database system for herbal medicine (= Phytotherapy) to find and individually modify pre-set prescriptions, and combine single herbs to an individual prescriptions – quickly and safely.
How you learn research based Phythotherapy in an online course
But, The HERBALIST is also a online course for herbal medicine: The students learn the general principles as well as the finding, analyzing, modifying and prescribing of effective herbal prescriptions.
Online Course
How To Determine Chinese Syndrome Diagnosis – by Jeremy Ross
€98,00 (inkl. MwSt)
Online Course
How To Treat Respiratory Viral Infections
Jeremy Ross – Integrative Chinese Medicine (ICM)
How to Integrate Chinese Syndrome Diagnosis, Chinese Medicine and Western Herbs –
A New Scientific Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
About Jeremy
How did Jeremy Ross get into Chinese Medicine? How and why did he found the Integrative Chinese Medicine?
Learn more about his training, his teaching and his german books.
Video Lectures
Get an Overview on Diagnosis and Treatment in ICM…
Jeremy Ross on DIAGNOSIS
in Integrative Chinese Medicine
Jeremy Ross on THERAPY
in Integrative Chinese Medicine
Article by Professor Erich Wühr
What does „integrative“ actually mean?
Integrative Chinese Medicine (ICM) is “integrative” in several respects: It integrates experiences, knowledge and procedures
- from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and
- from Traditional Western Medicine (TWM) and
- from modern medicine and the natural sciences as well as
- from the modern health sciences.
In doing so, ICM focuses on those procedures that we as practitioners really need to know and be able to do in order to improve the quality of life of the people who entrust themselves to us. Read the whole article …
Books by Jeremy Ross
English books
German books
Recommended literature from other authors
German books
With his deep knowledge of Chinese medicine, Western herbal medicine, and Western sciences, Jeremy Ross is uniquely qualified to undertake the important and difficult task of interpreting the nature and functions of Western herbs according to the principles of Chinese medicine.
Undoubtedly, Jeremy Ross is the foremost Western pioneer in this field. With tenacious perseverance he unearths the Western knowledge und healing plants, wisdom that goes back to antiquity and for so long seemed to be buried and lost. His scientific training enables Jeremy to merge chemical and botanical knowledge and traditional descriptions of plant properties into a vivid picture of the plant.