In-depth webinar

How to use western herbs in geriatrics


Saterday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 a.m.

with Jeremy Ross

Jeremy describes herbs and herbal combinations for the disorders listed below, with full details of how to use them safely. He also shows how to take a medical history for the elderly and make an accurate differential diagnosis: the basis for safe and effective treatment.

This webinar will focus on 8 key areas of treatment as well as looking at the intermediate effects of conventional medicine and Chinese medicine on geriatrics.

Date: 08.06.-09.06.2024, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to approx. 5:00 p.m.

Language: English with German translation

Seminar location: Live webinar (online with zoom)

Price: € 420,- (incl. VAT)

Webinar content

Everbody gets old, and sadly, old age does not come alone! It so often comes with disorders that increase with age, such as heart disease, hypertension, increasing exhaustion, sexual dysfunction, cognitive disorders, and insomnia.

This webinar focuses on eight main areas of treatment with the respective medicinal plants and combinations:


  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Exhaustion
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Malabsorption in the elderly
  • Diabetes in the elderly
  • Cognitive disorders
  • Insomnia in the elderly

Mediation concept

Each of the above-mentioned clinical pictures is discussed according to the procedure in Integrative Chinese Medicine:

  • Conventional therapy and its limitations
  • Effects of emotional disorders
  • Syndromes of Integrative Chinese Medicine
  • Western herbs and formulations for treatment
  • Study situation and phytopharmacology

Western herbs and formulations

Dosage, administration and safety are discussed in detail.

Herbs for use in geriatrics

In the webinar, the most important herbs are described in detail and the differences between the individual herbs are explained.

Case studies from participants

Participants are invited to present and discuss their own acute patients. Case history forms will be provided for this purpose prior to the webinar.

Practical exercises

Emphasis will be placed on working through case examples and providing ongoing education for participants. Case studies or tasks on materia medica or prescribing are carried out by the participants in groups during the webinar or optionally in the follow-up. In this way, everyone is prepared for the systematic approach to complex disease processes.

General Informations

Who can benefit from this course?   This course is suitable for practitioners with a basic understanding of the organ syndromes of Chinese medicine. For example, acupuncture practitioners, Western herbalists, and Chinese herbalists. No prior training in Western or Chinese herbal medicine is required.

New integrated system of herbal medicine   The emphasis in this course is on using Western herbs according to Jeremy’s new integrated system of Chinese medicine, Western herbal tradition, and modern pharmacology.

4 Imbalances and 5 Organs

The heart of this new system is the concept that all illness can be defined in terms of the 4 main things that go wrong with energy of the body: Deficiency, Stagnation, Disturbance, and Excess. The principles of treatment to correct these Imbalances are tonify, move, calm, and drain respectively.


The following 2 textbooks are useful for the course:

  • Eine Klinische Materia Medica by Jeremy Ross
  • Die Rezepturen: Der sichere Weg zur individuellen Verschreibung by Jeremy Ross

Online app

Phytotherapy made easy: How to find the exact medicinal plant for your patients’ ailments. With our app you can use the wealth of knowledge and experience of Jeremy Ross and prescribe effective medicinal plant prescriptions for your satisfied patients – quickly and safely. It is often cumbersome to spend a long time searching through books for suitable prescriptions for your patients. We have made this easy: with the Phytotherapy App according to Jeremy Ross. The digital solution that facilitates recipe selection and modification in your practice. Based on the book “The Prescriptions”, Jeremy Ross and Prof. Dr. Erich Wühr have developed the Phytotherapy App, which is an optimal basis for prescribing for every patient session.

Jeremy Ross    Jeremy Ross has a BSc in biology from the University of Birmingham, specializing in plant physiology and biochemistry. He graduated from the National Institute of Medical Herbalists UK in 1982, and gained a doctorate in acupuncture from the British College of Acupuncture in 1985. In 1988 he completed a two-year training in Chinese herbal medicine with Ted Kaptchuk, followed by further training at the International College in Nanjing, China. After 17 years of clinical practice in Bristol, England, he practiced for 10 years in Seattle, USA, and in 2004 returned back to Bristol. For 25 years, Jeremy Ross has specialized on the integration of Western Herbs, Chinese Medicine, and Phytopharmacology. He is the author of three textbooks on this topic.

Location: Live-Webinar (online with Zoom)

Price: € 420,- (incl. VAT)

Webinar Registration