Chinese Syndromes Process with the ICM Master App

The Chinese Syndromes Process in our ICM Master App guides users step-by-step through the differential diagnostic questions. This significantly simplifies and accelerates the formulation of an accurate Chinese syndrome diagnosis directly at the patient. The following video shows this procedure. Find more information about our ICM Master App here.

Lesson 7: How to combine herbs by balancing actions

Action of a herb The action of a herb refers to the type of therapeutic effect that it has on the body, for example, the astringent action, which reduces leakages from the body, such as diarrhea, bleeding, and discharges. Action groups Herbs that all have a specific action are said to belong to the same […]

Lesson 6: How to combine herbs by balancing tastes

What is the importance of taste? A Combination Example All of the 300+ combinations in the database of the ICM Master App have a Combination Table which shows five values for each herb: herb name, dose or ratio, temperature, tastes, actions. For example, Acorus 3: digestive weakness in children (SP Qi Deficiency, SP Yang Deficiency): […]

Lesson 5: How to combine herbs by balancing direction of energy

For safe prescribing, it is useful to be aware of the Direction of Energy of both the patient, and of those herbs with a strong effect on direction of energy movement. Four main directions We can say there are 4 main directions of energy movement in the body: Health In health, movement occurs in all […]

Lesson 4: How to combine herbs by balancing temperature

This is the most basic of the herb properties, and failure to match the temperature effect of a single herb or herb combination to the patient’s temperature grade can result in the patient becoming worse instead of better. Differential questions The differential questions to separate the 5 temperature grades are shown in the following video. […]

Lesson 3: 5-Star-Rating-System – the basic of assessment and therapy

Each of the patients’s main disorders can be rated from 1 to 5 in severity according to Jeremy’s 5-Star-Rating-Systems. This allows prioritization of of disorders, so that you know which disorders to treat first which to leave for later. It also allows easy assessment of treatment progress, e.g. if the star rating changes from 4 […]

Lesson 2: Introduction to the ICM Master App

The ICM Master App is based on Jeremy’s wealth of knowledge and experience in over 50 years of treating patients with Phytotherapy, and it replicates his procedures on patients: The symptom-based use of 300 preset herbal combinations and their recommended and individual modifications as well as the individual composition of new herbal recipes by comparing […]

Lesson 1: Introduction to Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross

Herbal Medicine is effective Herbal Medicine, also called Phytotherapy, can be effective for a very wide range of medical disorders. These include: Covid prevention and recovery, heart disease, depression and anxiety, menopausal problems, premature ageing, and attention deficit and autism in children and teenagers. The problem: So much data! Where to start? The problem for […]

Lesson 6: Cautions and contraindications according disorders

Arthritis and Rheumatism Some alterative (blood cleansing) herbs may occasionally aggravate arthritis and rheumatism, by release of accumulated toxins from the cells into the blood, at a faster rate than the detoxificatory and eliminative processes can clear them from the body. These herbs should be initially given in small doses, and the dose should gradually […]

Lesson 5: Cautions and contraindications according normal functions or life stages

Breastfeeding Acorus contraindicatedArtemisia abs.  contraindicatedBerberis contraindicatedChelidonium contraindicatedCimicifuga contraindicatedConvallaria contraindicated: until more is knownHydrastis contraindicatedJuniperus contraindicated: until more is knownLobelia contraindicatedMentha pul. contraindicatedPhytolacca contraindicatedPiscidia contraindicatedRheum contraindicatedRuta contraindicatedSalvia off. contraindicated: except to reduce milk flowSanguinaria contraindicated: until more is knownSarothamnus contraindicatedThuja contraindicatedCinnamomum bark contraindicated or caution: avoid if there are strong heat signsFoeniculum contraindicated or caution: aqueous infusion only (ESCOP), but ▶ note belowPanax gin. contraindicated or caution: avoid if mother or child are hot or restlessSanguisorba […]

Lesson 4: Cautions and contraindications according prescription situations

Allergy Allergy-related problems are not given in the database as a disorder, except for allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis (Respiratory Disorders), urticaria (Skin Disorders), and food intolerances Digestive Disorders). Allergy to specific plants or plant groupsHowever, there are concerns that a small number of people may be allergic to the following plants, although I have […]

Lesson 3: Monitoring safety

Monitoring of the patient means keeping a watch for side effects in the course of a treatment. It can be done by both patient and practitioner. Frequent monitoring is adviseable for combinations including herbs with potential side effects, and is essential for combinations containing herbs with the potential of severe adverse reactions for a specific […]