Table of Contents
Many newcomers to Phytotherapy are overwhelmed by the wealth of traditional and current information about medicinal herbs, and they are in danger of giving up or not starting to learn and practice Phytotherapy at all. This is why we have developed the ICM Master Learning Curve Concept (see illustration below) to help you quickly and safely get familiar with Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross (and Phytotherapy in general), and find effective prescriptions. This explains “How To Learn Phytotherapy” in a systematic approach.

The ICM Master Learning Curve Concept is based on the so-called Pareto principle. This states that 80% of a goal to be achieved can be reached after only 20% of the maximum amount of time if you proceed systematically.
How to Learn Phytotherapy: Basic Learning Program ONLINE for Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross
So, we start with the Basic Learning Program ONLINE for Western Herbal Medicine by Jeremy Ross. It consists of three parts, each consisting of a preparatory online course and a 1-day online webinar:
- As soon as they register, the students are given access to a preparatory online course: in this course, Jeremy provides basic knowledge about Phytotherapy. He can then concentrate fully on the practice of Phytotherapy in the subsequent webinar. Webinars 2 and 3 are also prepared by online courses.
- Throughout the Basic Learning Program (3 webinars within approximately 4 months), the students receive free access to the ICM Master App (see This software is based on Jeremy’s wealth of knowledge and experience in over 50 years of treating patients with Phytotherapy, and it replicates his procedures on patients: The symptom-based use of 300 preset herbal combinations and their recommended and individual modifications as well as the individual composition of new herbal recipes by comparing proven combinations.
The Basic Learning Program ONLINE provides a “steep” learning curve, and immediately after the first webinar the students are able to treat their own patients quickly, effectively, and safely.
Advanced Learning Program ONLINE for Integrative Chinese Medicine by Jeremy Ross
In the Advance Learning Program for Integrative Chinese Medicine, Jeremy teaches the students how to combine Western herbs and Chinese Syndrome Diagnosis.
For a quick and accurate Chinese diagnosis, Jeremy has developed a special five-step procedure: the so-called Differential Questions. This system is not only quick to learn, but can also be used very safely directly on the patient by using the ICM Master App.
Again, the program consists of pre-online-courses to prepare the students for 1-day-webinars.
The databases and functions of the ICM Master App enable fast and accurate Chinese diagnostics and the compilation of safe and effective herbal formulas.
ICM Master Classes Learning Program
The ICM Master Classes is a yearly program of single and special seminars, webinars, and meetings, eg. Webinar “Respiratory Viral Infections” or the “Poseidon Learning Week” in Italy.
In these events on different topics, Jeremy shows how he treats even complex patient cases by combining Western herbs and Chinese Syndrome Diagnosis.
Here too, the databases and functions of the ICM Master App enable fast and accurate Chinese diagnostics and the compilation of safe and effective herbal formulas.