by Jeremy Ross
Due to the current
SARS-CoVid-19 Pandemic …
FREE Online Course
“How to treat Respiratory Viral Infection” by Jeremy Ross
This course is about herb combinations from Integrative Chinese Medicine (ICM) to prevent and treat respiratory viral infection as well as to recover from those infections. Due to the treatment of Influenza the herb formula constituents are evidence based, and they may also be effective in the actual pandemic of SARS-CoVid-19.
The Course consists of four parts:
- Part 1 Basic principles
- Part 2 Western herb combinations for prevention, early stage infection, pneumonia and recovery
- Part 3 Explanation of combinations
- Part 4 Research evidence for herb constituents
Die Phytotherapie-App
nach Jeremy Ross
[currently only available in german]
Phytotherapie leicht gemacht: Wie Sie die genau passenden Heilpflanzen für die Beschwerden Ihrer Patienten finden
Mit unserer App nutzen Sie den Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz von Jeremy Ross
und verschreiben Ihren zufriedenen Patienten wirksame Heilpflanzenrezepte – schnell und sicher.
Sie finden es umständlich, lange in Büchern nach passenden Rezepturen für Ihre Patienten suchen zu müssen? Wir haben nun die Lösung für Sie: “Die Phytotherapie-App” nach Jeremy Ross.
Die digitale Lösung, die die Rezeptauswahl und -modifikation in Ihrer Praxis erleichtert. Auf der Grundlage des Buches “Die Rezepturen” haben der Autor Jeremy Ross und Prof. Dr. Erich Wühr “Die Phytotherapie-App” entwickelt, die eine optimale Grundlage zum Rezeptieren für jede Patientensitzung darstellt.
Jederzeit schnell die passende
Rezeptur für Ihre Patienten finden!
Jederzeit sichere Rezepturen für
Ihre Patienten verschreiben!
Jeremy Ross – Integrative Chinese Medicine (ICM)
How to Integrate Chinese Syndrome Diagnosis, Chinese Medicine and Western Herbs –
A New Scientific Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
Interview with Jeremy Ross:
What is Integrative Chinese Medicine (ICM)?
Which problems does it solve?
Which benefits does it spend?
About Jeremy
How did Jeremy Ross get into chinese medicine? How and why did he found the Integrative Chinese Medicine?
Learn more about his training, his teaching and his german books.
Get an Overview on Diagnosis and Treatment in ICM…
Jeremy Ross on DIAGNOSIS
in Integrative Chinese Medicine
Jeremy Ross on THERAPY
in Integrative Chinese Medicine
Enroll for FREE in the Online Course and get the FREE Download…
“The Interactive PDF by Jeremy Ross”
The Interactive PDF of the 4 Imbalances and 5 Organs is a visual tool for:
- recording the patient’s Chinese syndrome diagnosis,
- comparing herbs and
- comparing acupuncture points
In this online course Jeremy explains how to use the Interactive PDF.
The course consists of three lessons.
Interactive PDF
Interview with ICM therapist Dr. Ching-Ling Tan-Bleinroth
Dr. Lorne Brown (Founder of Acubalance Wellness Centre, Healthy Seminars & Integrative Fertility Symposium) has done a very interesting interview with ICM therapist and our ICM teacher Dr. Ching-Ling Tan-Bleinroth on “What women with PCOS need to know if trying to get pregnant”. In the interview, Lingky reports on the background of ICM, from her ICM practice and goes into more detail about gynaecology.